FAQ - These Frequently Asked Questions may also help.
Who owns and operates The Friendlies Discount Pharmacy?
The Friendlies Discount Pharmacy is owned by its members, essentially the community. Anyone who purchases a membership is entitled to a member’s discount and other benefits. The Friendlies Discount Pharmacy was opened in 1921.
Why do some items need prescriptions when I can get them over the counter at my local pharmacy?
Legislation in Australia deems that “pharmacist only medication” requires personal counselling by a pharmacist on sale of the item. As internet and mail order pharmacies do not provide this, a prescription enables a doctor to provide appropriate counselling. In-store shoppers at The Friendlies Discount Pharmacy may not require a prescription.
Is my order confidential?
All information collected by The Friendlies Discount Pharmacy is strictly confidential. We do not provide this information to any other party for any purposes. In addition, all The Friendlies Discount Pharmacy staff is legally bound by conditions of employment to the confidentiality of your order and personal details.
What happens if I am after a product that is not listed on the website?
The Friendlies Discount Pharmacy will endeavour to locate products that are not located on our website that you desire. Simply send the relevant information to orders@friendlies.com.au and we will endeavour to source it for you.
Can The Friendlies Discount Pharmacy keep my prescription repeats on file to save me some time when I next place an order?
Yes. Simply attach a note saying you give us permission to keep repeat prescriptions on your file, or select the option when ordering a prescription online. The next time you place an order, we automatically match up the repeats with the order and dispatch the same day saving you time in delivery. In addition, you can also elect to receive automatic monthly email reminders to increase medication compliance.
Do you have a mail-order catalogue?
Yes. We release a catalogue every month. If you would like access to a copy, please contact us by phone or email and we will email a copy to you.
Can I phone and talk directly to a pharmacist?
Yes. We have Pharmacists available on phone 5 days a week from 8.30am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday. You can phone your local pharmacy or alternatively phone 07 4122 1455.
What do we do with the data collected in our privacy statement?
The Friendlies Discount Pharmacy uses this information to perform our services and capabilities in operating our business for the consumer. We do not sell, provide, or allow our information to be viewed by any other person or body other than those employed by The Friendlies Discount Pharmacy.
Why can I only order one lot of an NHS item at a time?
The government under the National Health Service (NHS) subsidises many medicines so that all Australians can have access to affordable prescription medicines. Because they are paying for some or all of the cost of these, they impose restrictions on how frequently they can be dispensed. This varies from item to item but you can ask your pharmacist what the time interval is on a particular product. In most cases the time interval is 21 days. Items dispensed before this time interval cannot be covered under the NHS except in special circumstances.
Can I return prescription medicine or any preparation for oral use for a refund?
No. Unfortunately due to Queensland Health regulations, medicines including any preparation that is taken orally cannot be returned for credit. This is because once the product has left the pharmacy, the storage conditions of the product cannot be guaranteed and also, it is possible the product could have been tampered with.
What is the responsibility of The Friendlies Discount Pharmacies’ pharmacists and staff in regards to orders?
The Friendlies Discount Pharmacy is committed to ensuring the safety of the patient in regards to their use of medications. The Friendlies Discount Pharmacy may use their discretion to refuse supply of an order where they deem it is within the best interests of the patient, outside the limits of patient safety or concerned a product is being misused. The sole discretion is that of the pharmacist in charge.
How can The Friendlies Discount Pharmacy assure professional quality standards are met and maintained?
The Friendlies Discount Pharmacy has always been Quality Care Pharmacy (QCPP) accredited for retail, internet and mail order pharmacy. QCPP is an industry-developed quality assurance program developed by the Pharmacy Guild of Australia. This program guarantees a minimum standard is met within all facets of pharmacy to maintain high levels of customer service.
Can I obtain more than one supply of a prescription medicine in one order?
No. Unless your doctor has endorsed your script “Regulation 24” or has written the prescription for the increased quantity, we are unable to supply increased amounts. Please talk to one of our pharmacists before placing an order in this case.
Can fragrances be returned for exchange or refund?
No. Fragrances, medicines and vitamins cannot be returned for refund or exchange.
Can I have all of my repeats dispensed in one order?
No. Unless your doctor has endorsed the prescription “Regulation 24” or has supplied a signed consent form to allow multiple packs to be supplied. You can also ask your doctor to write your script out for the increased quantity. Please note that if you do obtain multiple packs on the one order, they may no longer count towards your Safety Net limit. If you would like to know more about the Safety Net, please phone and ask to talk to a pharmacist. Medicines cannot be returned for a refund.