Patient Turning Straps

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The Patient Turning Straps are designed to help turn someone who cannot roll onto their side when on their back on the floor. The Straps are particularly helpful for large and bariatric patients.

SKU: 5245-VARIOUS Category:


The Patient Turning Straps are designed to help turn someone who cannot roll onto their side when on their back on the floor. The Straps are particularly helpful for large and bariatric patients.

To Use

Place the Patient Turning Straps and Wedges on the floor next to the person. Make sure the ‘This Way Up’ label is showing, and ensure the head will be on the wedge when turned. Slide one Grey Strap under the neck to under the opposite armpit. Then place the other Strap under the thighs, so the Strap goes up the opposite hip of the person. To avoid shearing on the person, ensure the Grey Straps are not twisted and position them with the red webbing loops away from the person

Cross the Straps over the person’s chest and pull at an angle, so the Strap under the shoulder is pulled from the Rescuer standing or kneeling opposite the fallen person’s legs, and the Strap under the legs is pulled by the Rescuer standing by the person’s head.

The person’s arms and legs should be positioned to allow log rolling. In particular their arm should not block the turn. Remember when turning someone, the people pulling are only turning the person onto their side, they are not lifting the full body weight, so be careful not to turn them onto their stomach. The person in charge of the turn, should say out loud ‘Ready, Brace, Turn’ or similar instructions, to ensure the turn is synchronised.

The red webbing loops are long enough to allow for 2 or 3 Rescuers on each of the two Straps. The ResQsheet Extension Straps can be attached to the red webbing loops, if extra length is required for more people to help with the turning.

When the person is on their side, a lifting device can be placed under them. This may be a Lifting Sling, Emergency Stretcher, or an air jack. Log roll the person again if necessary onto their other side to take the air jack or sling material out. The person should be in the middle of the air jack or sling. To do this the Patient Turning Straps can be placed on the opposite side of them. This way, they can be rolled the opposite way.

It may be possible to use a hoist to do the pulling. Generally the legs on a mobile hoist will prevent it from getting close enough to the person. The person may be able to bend their legs to allow one hoist leg to go under the person’s legs. Then place the other hoist leg under the fallen person’s neck if their head is on a pillow. If this is possible, still cross the Grey Straps over on the spreader bar as when turning by hand. Have training before using on a patient to make sure your Hoist is suitable.

The Patient Turning Straps can be used on the floor or possibly on a bed. Just make sure that the bed and mattress are stable enough to allow for them to be used. It may be necessary to lower the bed and raise the bed rails, to stop the mattress from moving and to stop the person falling off the bed.

The model in these photographs is an able-bodied person who weighs over 150kg / 330lbs.

Patient Turning Straps Bag

This Bag is a handy way to store the Patient Turning Straps when not in use. There is a pocket inside to keep the instruction sheet, and it is zip fastening. The Bag is made from a high-visibility material to make it easy to find if it is needed in an emergency. Order the Bag separately from the drop down box.


Item # 5245 – Patient Turning Straps

Item # 5246 – Patient Turning Straps Bag



Straps: Hand or machine wash up to 80°C (176°F). Air or tumble dry on a cool setting, ensuring the drum is cool.

Wedges: Wipe with sponge or cloth that has been moistened in warm, soapy water or disinfectant, and then dry with a clean cloth. Do not machine wash or tumble dry.

Bag: Wipe clean with a hospital grade disinfectant. Wipe dry. Ensure the product is dry before using or storing.

Ensure the product is dry before using or storing.

Also have guidance from your facility’s Infection Control Department, as they may change our recommendations.


Warning: Instruction guide only. Consult your Manual Handling Advisor or relevant Therapist, as they may alter these instructions. Practise before using. Always check the person is medically fit to be turned before proceeding to use any patient turning device or patient turning equipment. Do not roll the person onto their stomach.

General Manual Handling Warning: Manual Handling products are designed to assist carers to help patients. They will not make the carer stronger or fitter, but with correct training and use of the products, should make manual handling easier and safer for both staff and patients. When training, practise with an able-bodied colleague. If any procedure is not comfortable or is difficult and puts the carer or patient in a dangerous position, the participants should call out to stop the manoeuvre, recover and recommence. Never jeopardise your health by straining, twisting or being incorrectly positioned when manual handling. Always select the most appropriate equipment for the patient’s current condition and if in doubt, use mechanical equipment. Ask your Manual Handling adviser for individual guidance.


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